Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Alzheimer's Update

Service Update:

So here’s an update about everything that has been going on in the Alzheimer’s Service Group. We were planning on taking all the grade 6 students for this visit (happened last week Wednesday) but unfortunately there were some unseen circumstances so the little kids couldn’t go.  However, the four high-schoolers from the group (me, Anjleen, Yannis and Carla) were able to make it and all in all, I think we had an extremely successful visit.

(Our Alzheimer's group, dancing as usual; photo by Bella)

For the last visit we went on, we planned to play board games and then have a game of ‘pass the parcel’ to play when we got to the Alzheimer’s center. We also compiled a music list of old songs (mostly ABBA since they like that) for the Alzheimers patients to pass the parcel to. For the actual making of the parcel, Anjleen and I let lose our creative side and went out to buy some small presents for the elders. We planned the activity and brought some cute knitted ladybugs, some hanging stars, ribbon flowers and novelty erasers which we then wrapped up in layers of colourful crepe paper. When we got to the center we initiated the game of pass the parcel, explaining the rules of the game and began the music to start the game.

It was a really fun activity to do because the elders seemed really happy to receive present; not many people usually gave them anything so they were really surprised and touched which made me very happy. It was also kind of funny because a lot of the patients tried to open more than one layer and we had to remind them that it was one layer for one person. 

There was also a few ethical implications to consider because one of the patients didn’t want to play but we had to find a way to include her without getting her upset. Another one of the patients also refused to move from one room to another when we began the game so we had to coax her along since she was becoming pretty adamant and upset at the situation. At that point I recognized that I couldn’t handle the situation myself without further upsetting the lady and had to hand it over to someone more equipped. It was somewhat sad that I couldn’t take care of the lady myself but it allowed me to understand my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to helping people. I can get them laughing and dancing and keep talking to them forever but I tend to feel guilty when I upset helpless people so that sometimes holds me back in handling sensitive situation but I suppose it’s a skill I need to learn.

The end of the Alzheimer’s visit was generally quite good from that point on because we did some impromptu planning and put on the songs really loudly and started dancing with the patients. It showed a whole load of commitment because for one I’m a really weird dancer who usually doesn't like dancing in public but when it comes to this service group I never say no to a dance with the patients, encouraging them to get on the floor, often the first to get up and dance. I really liked getting groovy with them and teaching and learning new dance moves!

(Me dancing with the ladies; photo by Bella)

All in all it was a very successful trip and we got a lot done. It was the first time we’d tried pass the parcel and it went amazingly well so I’m really happy. It inspired me for the next few visits with planning new activities and so on.