Tuesday, 13 May 2014

☜♥☞ Final CAS Reflection ☜♥☞

☜♥☞ Final CAS Reflection ☜♥☞

So I finally got all the pictures to do this post~!

(On a side note, some of the things on this aren't my 
scheduled creativity activity but it was still a 
learning experience so I decided to put it in)

Alzheimer's Service:

As you can see, these are the photos from the beginning of the year right till our last service. I only just realised how much we've done and I think it's amazing that we really got to get down to level with this issue of global importance because it's a rare opportunity we have to do this.

These were really creative activities we did as part of the Alzheimer's group. We had every thing from baking cookies to painting cloth which in itself is a brand new thing to do, a new skill to learn.

And then we had dancing which wasn't really action but it was movement nonetheless. 
With this we had to work collaboratively with each other in order to make the dance
a success and quite often we ended up having to practice a few times which showed 
perseverance and commitment to the activity we chose to do.
To be honest, I wasn't here for the beginning of the year to write down proper goals for the service activity, however, I knew that I as a person tend not to be able to socialize as much as others and I had hoped in taking part in this activity, I would be able to reach out to others and connect with them. I like to think that I have fully achieved this because just from the monthly visits, I have made friends with some of the patients, two of whom that remember me after a few minutes of conversation. That in itself was a huge deal for me and made me feel so proud of all the work we've done.

 The two top pictures show planning and initiating activities when we sat down every Thursday to discuss our previous Alzheimer's visit and plan for the next one. Below those is a picture of the entire group, the people that we had to again, work collaboratively in order to get the best out of our meetings.


For creativity I've been continuing with drawing club which is, as always, one of the best activities that I signed up for. Lately I've been moving away from my comfort zones and exploring areas for growth by working with poster paints and not only sticking to my usual pencil/charcoal combination. Here's the latest piece I've done (you can see my art supplies in the background~!) :

As you can see, the first sketch I did for the piece began in black and white pencil which simply highlighted my awareness of strengths and weaknesses, strengths mostly in this case. Then came the actual painting in black and white poster paints which was completely new and a great way of  improving weaknesses and developing new skills by way of using new media for my art. Also with new skills, I worked on the blended shades for the woman's face and contrasting, block shading for the man which was a new concept for me. This was the final product, not as great as I'd like it but not too bad nonetheless.

The previous piece I did was the best by way of developing new skills  because the piece below is a mixed media piece using watercolour paint, masking tape, tracing paper, watercolour paper, liner pens, sharpie and even normal pencil. It was just a huge experiment in figure (human figure) and I think with this piece I truly managed to achieve my goals.

So yes, this picture was the most important for me not because I liked how it came out particularly, but rather because I achieved my goals of working with new media forms that truly tested my skills (try drawing on masking tape!) and explored perspective in human anatomy which is actually something that I'm freaking happy about :D


My final action post can be found in the link below but this an extract from it...

I am, forever grateful and so flipping thrilled that I had a chance to play for the school team on such an international tournament. Through badminton not only did I manage to increase awareness of my strengths and areas of growth, but I also got to show perseverance and commitment  all whilst undertaking new challenges. I developed new skills and learnt to work collaboratively with others which means not only my own team but all the other teams, coaches and referees. I really had the time of my life. Through the wins and losses and deafening cheering, through the ups and downs and laughs and tears, I regret nothing. I made friends with some of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure of meeting both on and off the court, learnt what true sportsmanship is about, improved my game for the benefit of myself as well as the team and even learnt to wake up on time to make our practice schedule! So many things done and none of them do I regret.


So, this is the post that isn't strictly school approved creativity but I thought it was good creativity nonetheless... so I decided to put it up :)

Have you ever watched Star Wars? Perhaps you're a fanboy or fangirl. Either way, you must have heard of May the Fourth Be With You~! It's this one day (May 4th) where people dress up in Star Wars type costumes and just go out to Cosplay. There's not a big following for this in Sri Lanka but hey, it was worth a shot, so a couple of my friends and I decided to try it out. This is what we got.

The thing about Cosplaying in Sri Lanka is that getting merchandise is hard. It's near impossible to be honest and with the work we end up doing for school and extra-curriculars, it's hard to even get time to go merch hunting. So the only option for Cosplayers is to make their own gear. For me, this was a way to increase awareness of strengths and areas for growth because I know (from previous Cosplaying experience) that I can make weaponry, armour, whatnot but costume making is incredibly difficult for me. 

In doing May the Fourth I had to undertake the challenge of making Anakin Skywalker's robes (before he turned to the Dark Side) which was undertaking a new challenge. The making of the light-saber however, was pretty easy because I do make swords, knives and other such equipment. The robes got to me though, it was a lot harder than I reckoned it would be... 
(note; I'm not in full kit here as these pictures were taken after the actual event)

The best part, I thought, was the face make-up though. Anakin has this scar on his face and I really wanted to make it look like a fresh scar, like he was just cut up so I had to play around with face paint for that. I developed a new skill by doing this because never had I ever done face-paint before. I thought it came out pretty well though despite the several washing on a putting on sessions I had to endure. It was so worth it though~!

Till next time, rock on little dudes \m

Friday, 9 May 2014

۩۩.. A Slightly More Serious Affair..۩۩

۩۩ . . . A Slightly More Serious Affair . . . ۩۩

... getting down to business...

......... /█\ ♥/█\

 I believe that in my pursuit of art (my version of the pursuit of happiness) by joining the after-school Drawing Club is one of the best after-school activities I've ever joined. I've been drawing privately for several years now, for as long as I can remember really, and in actively continuing this activity and taking time out of other commitments to continue drawing and painting shows how much art means to me. It shows how seriously I take my painting (no-one touch my art supplies!) and displays perseverance and commitment. As well as carrying through with  my initial attempts at making fabulous new art, being in the Drawing Club also meant that I have a chance to develop new skills.

This is actually a really great thing in my opinion because quite often I stick to what I can do which is honestly one of my biggest faults. It limits creativity! I use a lot of pencil and charcoal and sometimes watercolours because that's what I'm used to but in going to this club I've had the opportunity to try new media and play around with new concepts. The Drawing Club also makes me well aware of areas for growth because I'm starting to focus on human figure and anatomy. In drawing the (realistic) human figure I have to perfect posture and perspective and build upon the basics I already have from cartooning.

Here's the first picture I completed at Drawing Club:

This is actually an... I don't know... it's a strange picture. When it first started out it was done in a variety of HB pencil with delicate shading like I always draw people but then it kind of escalated. I mean that in a good way, how I grabbed crepe paper and meshed it into the colours you see, but it was a sort of breaking experience because if you look closer the jawline of the face says 'No Fumez Pas'. That's 'No Smoking' in French, somewhat of a touch subject for me because my dad smokes. It's cool though, that in discovering a new media I discovered my true feelings about this issue...

Anyway, I hate how you can't feel or even really see the texture in this but the original thing has ridges and bumps over the colour and the mess of black whilst the woman remains smooth. It was actually a really cool experience making this because even the outline of the woman was done in crepe paper rolled up and set to the right shape using copious amounts of glue.

I'm really excited for the next class as well though 'cus I can't wait to explore more art and figure drawing. I already know the concept of what I basically want to do, I just have to do it~!

......( '_')
Hey, hey, hey guess what?
 I figured out my action :)

So the plan is this... given that I go running with my dog every other day for at least an hour I figured I could count that time as my weekly action hours~! I was thinking I could also take some cool pictures of my neighborhood if I see anything worth photographing so I'd stay creative whilst on the run. This won't be an entirely new activity for me, running that is, but it'll be considered undertaking a new challenge because I could improve how long I run for as opposed to walk for. Say I start at 5 minutes running at 55 mins walking, I'll try to even out that ratio eventually by setting a 50/50 ratio as my goal.

And yes, these two labradors will be my running partners for 30 minutes each...
At least I'll have something to run for~!

(>’.’< )

I'm pretty sad to see our Alzheimer's Service activity drawing to a close but on a positive note, we have one more visit before we finish up I reckon. We've already planned and initiated an activity for this meeting by agreeing to draw out seasonal festival (summer, winter, autumn and spring) themed picture posters for the Alzheimer's patients to colour. I think this is a great activity to carry out because the elderly people really enjoy painting and colouring and they quite like it when we're there to talk to them whilst they take part in the activity. I suppose I'll be showing that I can work collaboratively with others  here when I have to maneuver around and with my fellow students and in helping the patients.

The biggest thing I like about Alzheimer's Service is that we really get to be up close and personal with an issue of global importance each time we reach out to help make the day brighter for the patients. Since Alzheimer's can affect anyone, anytime, anywhere, it really is a condition that people need to know how to handle. In taking part in this Service activity I get to understand how to communicate with Alzheimer's patients and this knowledge will, hopefully, prove useful in other countries and in other situations.

Beyond that, the Alzheimer's Service Group also offers a chance for me consider ethical implications in my everyday life. Do we not, as the younger, more able, more apt generation, have a duty to help the elderly, those who may be hindered in any way and/or need assistance? I like to believe that we as people have the responsibility to reach out to those that need a friendly and and I am glad to say that Alzheimer's offers me a chance to do so.

Mark my words, I'll be back in this service next year no doubt~!

Picture Post~!

Real quick, before I finish this post, I do believe I owe you some picture spam for my previous Action activity (which would have been SAISA Badminton if I'm not mistaken). I just have a quick note before we get down to the actual pictures...

I am, forever grateful and so flipping thrilled that I had a chance to play for the school team on such an international tournament. Through badminton not only did I manage to increase awareness of my strengths and areas of growth, but I also got to show perseverance and commitment  all whilst undertaking new challenges. I developed new skills and learnt to work collaboratively with others which means not only my own team but all the other teams, coaches and referees. I really had the time of my life. Through the wins and losses and deafening cheering, through the ups and downs and laughs and tears, I regret nothing. I made friends with some of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure of meeting both on and off the court, learnt what true sportsmanship is about, improved my game for the benefit of myself as well as the team and even learnt to wake up on time to make our practice schedule! So many things done and none of them do I regret.

Well, that was a fairly long note for a short note...
On to the pictures~!

 Our amazing team whom I have grown to love <3 And of course Mr. Andreas and Mr. Pradeep who were awesomesauce coaches~!

 Us girls, chillin' like villians... What a motley crew! Love 'em to death :P

 Chillin' like villians between games :)

 Just casually floating in mid-air . . . :D

 I don't even know...

 My doubles partner (Sam) who may have graduated this year but will always be in my OSC memories. We click!

 Sam in action, ain't she pro? :D

 I don't even... I don't know what to say about this except I'm sorry for whoever had to photograph me :P

 And all the OSC buddies :)

Huuuge thanks to Celina who took all the amazing SAISA pics.
Give her some love guys <3

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Peace out and rock on little dudes XD

(In case anyone was interested : in the time it took to write this post I went through Fall Out Boy's 'Save Rock and Roll' album three times. Three whole times on repeat. It's a great album in case anyone's wondering. I recommend it.)